
scroll on these txt boxes
he/they 16 gfluid ☆ mixed && taken (yum!) ~ cr crdskiz 4 layout
byi avant vois interact! i have typing quirks (abbrvs, removing letters from words). i match energy, sometimes i’m jokingly sarcastic. may respond late.dni n’interact pas si vous… support racism, pedos, homophobia, lgbtqphobia, etc. you think prns = gender, or you invalidate abros /pans /gfluids.lmk if there’s smth you want /don’t want me to do !also MY FRENCH IS HORRIBLE. please speak to me in english 😞🩶

psa i really just made this site for having all of my crds/neocities all in one place so <3 enjoy looking through them !

links twt, spotify, pint, rentry, discord ~ dm 4 questns/etc

Clover Lucky Charms